Uchi Deshi

Uchi Deshi

Uchi no deshi
A Japanese term meaning a personal student of the dojo Sensei. One who lives and trains in the dojo, totally immersing him/herself in “The Way”.

Uchi deshi with Hendricks Sensei


The dojo is the first priority. A person applying for uchi deshi status should understand that this commitment is not to be taken lightly. Although the rewards for one who totally immerses her/himself in Aikido training are great, the hardship of uchi deshi life can also be great. Everything is training. Living conditions are austere. The demands for the care and cleaning of the dojo and attention to the needs and wishes of the Sensei are unrelenting. Training is top priority in the life of an uchi deshi. This training is not only more demanding than that asked of the dojo members at large, but more frequent. For these reasons, one should consider very carefully before commiting to a period of study as an uchi deshi. Make sure you read and understand the uchideshi policies!

 If you would like to submit an application, click the link below to download the application and submit it to Sensei.


To apply as uchideshi, a letter of recommendation from the current teacher is required.

Living Arrangements and Costs

A space above the mat area is provided as sleeping quarters for the uchi deshi for a minimal rent. This personal space is to be maintained in an orderly fashion at all times. The deshi is expected to pay a monthly training fee. All of Sensei’s seminars are free of charge unless someone else is teaching.

Uchideshi Dues

Uchi deshi fee structure
Registration = $100

Monthly rent/dues =$600

1 week = $250

2 weeks = $350

3 weeks to one month = $550

1 night training and crash on the mat = $45;
additional overnights up to 
one week = $35

Departing gift (Orei) for kamisama
less than or equal to one month $50.00
more than one and less than five months $100.00
more than five months $200.00

Be sure to leave a basket of fruit at the shomen before your last class. The Uchi deshi will allow it to remain for one day before they take it and prepare some for Sensei.