Aikido of San Leandro 40th Anniversary Seminar

40th Dojo Anniversary

50 Years in Aikido

Aikido of San Leandro 40th Anniversary Celebration

Come join us for a special celebration as Aikido of San Leandro marks its 40th anniversary and Hendricks Shihan’s 50 years in Aikido! This in person event will be held at our dojo located on MacArthur Boulevard in San Leandro, CA, USA.

Experience the joy of Aikido as we commemorate five decades of martial arts excellence. Hendricks Shihan will lead us through advanced weapons training in the park. Following class, students of all ranks will perform tests and demo.

This anniversary celebration is a wonderful chance to connect with fellow Aikido enthusiasts, forge new friendships and support Sensei and our community in celebrating this hugh milestone. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, everyone is welcome to join in the festivities.

Don’t miss out on this unique occasion! Mark your calendars and join us at Aikido of San Leandro for an unforgettable anniversary celebrations.

Mark your calendar on February 24th, 2024

If you want to attend and support this exciting event! We’ll have demos and tests lined up, as a well as community gatherings.

Location: 1033 MacArthur Blvd, San Leandro


Training: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Testing and Demos: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Potlock: 2:00 pm

Select registration package

If you select the first payment type, you will get our special 40th anniversary t-shirt included in your registration package.

Seminar + t-shirt = $60

Only Seminar = $35

Indicate your t-shirt size

If you’ve purchased a t-shirt, you need to fill the form available via the yellow button below an indicate your t-shirt size.